The Carey Conference started in 1971, and has continued every year since then. The conference is open to both men and women involved in Christian ministry and church leadership. Our aim is to encourage one another as we seek to grow in godliness, to build the church, to reach our generation for Christ, and to enlarge our vision for international missions. Our doctrinal basis is the 1689 London Confession of Faith. The conference started out of a desire to grow in our understanding of what it means to be both reformed and baptist, and to work out how to apply Biblical principles to church life. However, not all of our speakers or delegates subscribe to the 1689 Confession, and all are welcome to attend.

Over the years we have enjoyed excellent ministry. At each conference we like to have opportunity to enjoy the preaching and teaching of God’s word, to reflect on theological and doctrinal matters, to learn the lessons of church history and biography, and to consider practical and pastoral issues in church life. In all of the ministry we seek to be contemporary, and to look for application to current issues, so that we go back to our ministries envigorated and better equipped to serve the Lord in our generation.

One of the great highlights of each conference is the fellowship we enjoy with one another. Over the years many friendships have grown and developed as we pray and encourage one another in the challenges and opportunities of ministry. Each year our delegates are drawn not only from the UK but from other countries in Europe and beyond.

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