2nd – 4th January 2024
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE 55 1AU
David Campbell, Paul Mallard, Gail Curry, Conrad Pomeroy and Paul Brunning.
The conference is open to all involved in pastoral and preaching ministry and their wives, as well as all men and women involved in Christian ministry and leadership. The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is the theological basis of the conference.
As well as the formal sessions, the conference provides plenty of time for informal fellowship and relaxation. There will be a bookstall, as well as exhibition stands run by partner organisations seeking to proclaim the gospel and extend the kingdom of Christ across the world.
Our theme for 2024 is titled ‘A Holy Life’
Holiness of life is not optional for the believer—it is essential, as the apostle Peter emphasizes in his first letter: ‘As he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.
Contrary to popular belief, holiness of life does not entail a grim, joyless Christianity, nor does it present us with an impossible target. Rather, as we shall see, it is the truly beautiful life to which we are called and for which the Lord himself provides both power and direction

David Campbell
Our main speaker is David Campbell, who is Pastor of North Preston Evangelical Church. David has previously pastored Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and Geneva Road Baptist Church in Darlington. With the help of Paul’s letter to the Galatians, David will take up the theme of A Holy Life—in particular the power for such a life, the direction of such a life and the beauty of such a life.

Paul Mallard
Paul Mallard is recently retired after forty years in pastoral ministry. He is now FIEC Director for the West Midlands and chairs the FIEC Theology Team. Paul’s papers, A theology of unbelieving children and Pastoring those with unbelieving children, will help us think through this sensitive topic, including how, as parents, pastors or friends, we can help our children and young people.

Conrad Pomeroy
Conrad Pomeroy is Pastor of Dudley Baptist Church, having previously pas-tored in Dundee for several years. Conrad will bring the messages at our two evening worship sessions, preaching on The Identity of the Word from John 1:1 and The Incarnation of the Word from John 1:14.

Gail Curry
Gail Curry is director of the Baptist Women’s department for the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland. Gail, with her husband Steven, has been involved in local church ministry for thirty-eight years in the churches where Steven has served as pastor. In her two talks for the women’s stream, Gail will focus on what living a holy life should look like for women who love God.

Paul Brunning
Paul Brunning is Head of Communications at Grace Baptist Mission, having previously served for ten years in pastoral ministry in Nottinghamshire. Paul will give our historical paper on C. H. Spurgeon, focusing on some of the encouraging lessons we can learn from his battles with depression: C.H.S.—Sunshine on the Mountains of Misery
Tuesday 2nd January
Registration from 2-2:45pm
3:00pm Paul Brunning
3:00pm Women’s track – Gail Curry
4.30pm Tea
5:00pm David Campbell
6:30pm Evening meal
8:00pm Conrad Pomeroy
Wednesday 3rd January
7.45am Prayer
8.30am Breakfast
9.30am David Campbell
11.00am Coffee
11.30am Paul Mallard
1.00pm Lunch
Free Time
4:30pm Tea
5:00pm Mission focus
5:00pm Women’s track – Gail Curry
6:30pm Evening Meal
8:00pm Conrad Pomeroy
Thursday 4th January
7.45pm Prayer
8.30pm Breakfast
9.30pm Paul Mallard
11.00am Coffee
11.30am David Campbell
1:00pm Lunch
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire DE55 1AU
Tel: 01773 526000
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