7th – 9th January 2025

King’s Park Conference Centre, King’s Park Road, Northants, NN3 6LL


SPEAKERS: Brooks Buser, Austin Walker, Sarah Allen, Enoch Adekoya and Lewis Allen.

The conference is open to all involved in pastoral and preaching ministry and their wives, as well as all men and women involved in Christian ministry and leadership. The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is the theological basis of the conference.
As well as the formal sessions, the conference provides plenty of time for informal fellowship and relaxation. There will be a bookstall, as well as exhibition stands run by partner organisations seeking to proclaim the gospel and extend the kingdom of Christ across the world.

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Brooks Buser

Our main speaker is Brooks Buser, President of Radius International. Brooks and his wife served among the Yembiyembi people of Papua New Guinea for 13 years. During this time they learned the Yembiyembi language, developed an alphabet, taught them to read and write, translated the Scriptures, and established a strong church. In 2016 they returned to the US and Brooks assumed the leadership of Radius International, a missionary training school that trains those going to the last unreached language groups of the world.
Brooks will be taking us through the Biblical basis for reaching the ends of the earth, the primacy of the church in missions, and the dangers that exist in the missiological world today and how they are overcome.

Austin Walker

Austin Walker was a pastor at Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, for well over four decades. He now lives in Derby and is a member of Castlefields Church. Though ‘retired’ he is still preaching and writing. Particular redemption has sometimes proved to be a thorny issue.
Austin will examine the biblical basis and also consider how it is to be preached to the unconverted, and what assurance it provides to true believers.

Sarah Allen

Sarah Allen is a teacher, writer and Northern Director of London Seminary’s Flourish Course. She has been married to Lewis for 29 years, and a pastor’s wife for 26 of these. They have five just about grown up children and live in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Sarah will lead the two women’s sessions, on ‘Jesus: our joy’ from the letter to the Hebrews.

Enoch Adekoya

Enoch Adekoya is pursuing a PhD in political theology at the University of Manchester, having previously served St Giles Church, London, as a Pastoral Assistant. Enoch will be speaking on Christian Nationalism. Enoch will examine Christian Nationalism as a movement, offer insights on its recent emergence and present a theological response.

Lewis Allen

Lewis Allen is the Senior Pastor of Hope Church, Huddersfield. Lewis will speak on Sons of Thunder: Nicea and the Contention for Orthodoxy, exploring the build-up to the Council of Nicea (325AD), its central concerns, and the impact of its pronouncements. Time will be given to exploring the perennial issue of personalities in the Lord’s work and the need to defend and to promote sound doctrine in the church.


Tuesday 7th January

Registration from 2-2:45pm
3:00pm Lewis Allen
4.30pm Tea
5:00pm Brooks Buser
6:30pm Evening meal
8:00pm Austin Walker

Wednesday 8th January

7.45am Prayer
8.30am Breakfast
9.30am Brooks Buser
11.00am Coffee
11.30am Enoch Adekoya
1.00pm Lunch
Free Time
4:30pm Tea
5:00pm Mission focus
6:30pm Evening Meal
8:00pm Austin Walker

Thursday 9th January

7.45pm Prayer
8.30pm Breakfast
9.30pm Enoch Adekoya
11.00am Coffee
11.30am Brooks Buser
1:00pm Lunch


King’s Park Conference Centre, King’s Park Road, Northants, NN3 6LL

Tel. 01604 493111

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